Residents & Students
KAFP provides these activities for students and residents throughout the state:
Annual Meeting - Understanding the importance of exposing students and residents to the issues surrounding family medicine and to encourage their participation, the chapter offers a reduced cost of $55 for resident and student members to attend the Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium.Residents are offered the opportunity to be moderators during the meeting with their registration, room, and mileage compensated. Students and residents are also encouraged to attend the resident reception held on the first night of the Annual Meeting. The purpose of this reception is to promote networking within the chapter and increase familiarity amongst the students., residents, and active members in a more relaxed and fun environment.
Resident Scholarly Exhibit – The chapter holds a scholarly activity poster contest for resident members. Here, residents are given the opportunity to submit their project abstracts for review by a residency director and to receive feedback. Once their projects are revised and accepted, they are permitted to be featured in the KAFP Journal. Anonymous judges are selected to cast ballots on the strength and weakness of the projects. 1st Place is awarded $300 cash, 2nd Place is awarded $200.00 and 3rd Place is awarded $100.00.
FMIG Visits - The chapter’s EVP, Communication’s and Foundation Director, and a Board representative visit each medical school’s FMIG to increase student engagement within the chapter, to present new information concerning the future of family medicine, to promote attendance to the AAFP National Resident and Student Conference, and to create rapport with the students. Face to face interaction creates lasting relationships with students.
Journal - The chapter publishes a scholarly peer-reviewed journal each quarter. Student and resident contribution is approximately 35% of each issue. The editors highly encourage academic solicitation of student and resident submissions to the journal with a relevance to family medicine. This assists residents and students to meet their program’s required number of publications. 2017 is the first year in which each residency program will be visited by the head editor of the KAFP Journal to encourage submissions and explain the process personally.
National Conference Scholarships - During the FMIG visits, medical students are encouraged to apply for the AAFP Family Medicine Leads Scholarships. When they apply, they are asked to send their essay responses to the chapter’s Communication Director. Based on the amount of funding, the KAFP Foundation reviews the essays and provides $600 supplemental scholarships to medical students who did not receive an AAFP scholarship. These students are required to participate in video interviews at the conclusion of the conference and to submit post-conference surveys. Students are diligent in completing these requirements because of the rapport developed between them and the chapter through the constant interaction. Scholarships are distributed at the KY Row during the conference.
KY Row - The KAFP Foundation coordinates a KY Row at the AAFP National Resident and Student Conference. This will be our second year with a KY Row and we have added to new programs. The Foundation provides a unifying banner that displays the various aspect of Kentucky. The goal of this is to unify the KY residency programs to promote the Commonwealth’s medical community together. KY students who invited to visit the KY Row and participate in a group picture. KY Students are also invited to a KAFP Foundation reception held on the first night of the conference at a local venue in the downtown district. The KY residency programs are present at the reception to answer student’s questions in a more relaxed environment. This permits KY medical students to interact with one another and to speak to KY residents about their experiences without any pressure. The results of last year’s KY Row were very positive. Several of the programs who participated MATCHED with the KY medical students present at the conference as well as out-of-state students who came to the KY Row.
Awards - The two allopathic medical schools within the state each nominate a medical student to receive the KAFP Foundation’s “Outstanding Senior Student Award.” Each scholarship is $600. The awards are presented at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
Board Member - Family medicine residents and medical students are given the opportunity to volunteer to the the resident and medical student delegate and alternate delegate to the KAFP Board.